This blog is formed for the intent of publicizing the plight of animals in Greene County, Indiana. Concerned Citizens have formed a seperate, all volunteer, non-profit animal welfare group- MIDWEST FRIENDS OF ANIMALS- in order to attempt to take action for the many abused, neglected and unwantd animals thrown away on a daily basis in Greene County.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

JOIN IN THE JOY OF SEEING McCOY FLOURISHING IN HIS NEW HOME!!! :) THIS is what makes our work worthwhile!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

McCoy (Mac) Happy in his new home! Below are pictures of Mac and his new friends, doggy pal and visiting family! His new owner is keeping up with what the legal ramifications to his previous owner are, but unfortunately, her hearing has been continued again with no future date set. The important thing, in the end, is Mac is where he is now loved and adored!!